Hawken King Design

Hawken King, made with Facemakr (made with Facemakr for iPhone)

photo: Tony McNicol.

About Hawken King

Date: December 28th, 2006

Hawken King is a multi-disciplined illustrator, designer & coder, living and working in the heart of Tokyo, Japan.

Available for freelance work; 12 years professional experience in web design, 2 years iOS (iPhone & iPad) and around 7 years experience in commercial illustration. Ability to take on projects large and small, just drop him a line: [email protected]

find Hawken on twitter @hawkenking

Personal Projects

Founder & Director of Dadako – Games studio based in Tokyo.

Creator of Facemakr – Flagship title for iPhone from Dadako.

Clients worked with

Sony, Nintendo, Sega, Atari, Capcom, Hasbro & Konami.

BMW, NEC, Honda, Redbull, AKQA, Lessrain, Ultra Super New, Transport for London & Pantone.

Echo, Warp, Ninja Tune, Sony Music, & Apple Corps.

TED, Oxfam, World Vision, One & Peoples hope Japan.


Work History


Charity work


Hawken has a green blue peter badge.